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More Trains, More Often As Hurstbridge Line Upgrade Continues

Commuters in Melbourne’s north-east will benefit from more frequent and reliable services as works ramp up on the second stage of the Victorian Government’s half-a-billion dollar Hurstbridge Line Upgrade.

The $530 million project delivers a new station at Greensborough, a major upgrade of Montmorency Station and duplicate more than 4.5 kilometres of track.

Freeing up notorious bottlenecks along the line will allow trains to run every six-and-a-half minutes at Greensborough, every 10 minutes at Eltham and Montmorency, and every 20 minutes at Hurstbridge, Diamond Creek and Wattle Glen – as well as delivering extra services right along the line.

Community members are encouraged to get online to provide feedback on aspects of the new Greensborough Station and modernised Montmorency Station, including overall look and feel, materials, plants and public artwork.

Three kilometres of track between Greensborough and Montmorency and around 1.5 kilometres of track between Diamond Creek and Wattle Glen will be duplicated – while vital power and signalling upgrades will be carried out simultaneously to deliver more comfortable and reliable services for passengers.

The project will also include a new activated pedestrian crossing at Diamond Valley College, which will ensure the more than 1100 students at both the College and the nearby  Diamond Creek East Primary School have safe and easy access across the duplicated rail.

Early works and site preparation on the project continued during Stage Four coronavirus restrictions with strict safety measures in place – and crews are currently conducting various site investigations around the rail corridor which will inform the final design and construction of this project.

In addition, the Government will deliver on its commitment to add extra car parking at Greensborough and Montmorency stations, as well as improved bus facilities as part of the new Greensborough Station.

The first stage of the Hurstbridge Line Upgrade was completed in 2018 – delivering a new Rosanna Station, duplicated track between Heidelberg and Rosanna and the removal of the Alphington and Rosanna level crossings.

Major construction on the second stage of the project will begin before the end of the year.

Quote attributable to Minister for Transport Infrastructure Jacinta Allan                               

“We’re getting on with this upgrade to deliver a better train services in the north-eastern suburbs and create more local jobs for Victorians in construction as we begin to recover from the pandemic.”

Quote attributable to Member for Eltham Vicki Ward                                

“Locals are already enjoying the increased services that came with the completion of Hurstbridge Stage 1. This huge upgrade will reduce bottlenecks and delays, offer even more services and create thousands of jobs.”

Quote attributable to Member for Bundoora Colin Brooks

“We promised to build new station at Greensborough and run more services – we’re keeping our promise and getting on with the job.”

Quote attributable to Member for Yan Yean Danielle Green

“Removing bottlenecks will benefit the whole line – with more trains, more often, safe access between schools, sporting facilities and the new Diamond Creek Trail which means reduced traffic congestion in Diamond Creek.”

Vicki Ward